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Rivadeneira Valenzuela, J., & Rivadeneira, M. M. . (2021). Validation of the Family Strengths Scale in Chilean adult population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 120–129.

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The family strength approach suggests that families can overcome daily life challenges. The aim of this research was to validate the Family Strengths Scale, adapted from a study in Spain, to a Chilean population. For this purpose, the sample consisted of 324 Chilean adults who completed a 12-item questionnaire. The two-factor model of the scale was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (χ2/g.l.= 2.86; RMSR = 0.041; RMRSEA = 0.076; CFI = 0.950; TLI = 0.937), and it was found that the two factors are related to aspects of family self-efficacy and the perception of family adaptation. In both cases, adequate scale reliability values were estimated (Cronbanch’s alpha of 0.91 and 0.72, respectively). These results support the use of the scale in the Chilean population, which may contribute to the advancement of knowledge regarding family functioning, as well as to guide prevention and promotion interventions with families, aimed at enhancing strengths and protective resources that guarantee a respectful and affectionate parenting, and at improving the quality of family life.



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