How to Cite
Banderas Rodríguez, C. R., Martínez Chacón, A. J., & Romo González, T. (2010). Integral prevention of alcohol and drug consumption on college students : a group intervention proposal. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 13(2), 19–33. Retrieved from

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The abuse of both legal and illegal drugs among young people has become a serious public health problem, both in the international arena as well as in Mexico. To face this phenomenon, the strengthening of preventive measures that promote healthful life styles among our youth has been recommended. In Mexico, however, few initiatives exist aimed at preventing drug consumption by young people, particularly college students, who make up one of the high-risk segments of the population regarding the use of health-endangering substances. The purpose of this research was to deliver a workshop and evaluate its preventive effects on the abuse of alcohol and other drugs on the part of college students, by means of providing them with tools for increasing protective factors and reducing risk factors. Among the most signifi cant changes product of this intervention it was found that 92.5% of the participants modifi ed aspects related to holistic health care; 100% of the students reported fi nding a meaning to suffering, whereas 96.29% confi rmed having developed goals and a purpose in life upon conclusion of the workshop. Risk factors diminished by 74%, whereas protective factors increased by 70% at the end of the intervention. This research shows the feasibility of preventing drug abuse among college students by inducing a change in their appraisal of health care, suffering and purpose of life by means of workshops that increase protective factors. Thus, it becomes evident that workshops like the ones tested in our study offer empirical support to primary intervention programs.



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