Cómo citar
Guevara Castillo, L. (2000). La integración de la información según la metodología de Norman H. Anderson. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (3), 35–51. Recuperado a partir de https://actacolombianapsicologia.ucatolica.edu.co/article/view/611

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This is a research about Anderson is Integration Information Model (1982). In experi­ment one the rule studied was addition with 16 children aged five to seven years when they choose play group and toys in a 4x4 factorial design. The results indicate that group attractiveness is a sum of two pieces of information according to the parallelism rule of Anderson's Theory. In experiment two the rules assessed were addition and multiplication with 180 children aged five to seven years when they perceive a rectangle area in a 3x3 factorial design. The results show that five years old children used an additive rule and seven years old ones used a product rule, accor­ding to Anderson's model.


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