How to Cite
De Souza, J. ., & Crepaldi, M. A. (2019). Emotional and behavioral problems of children : association between family functioning, coparenting and marital relationship. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 22(1), 69–106.

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This study aimed to describe family functioning, marital relationship and coparenting in families, and identify the associations of these variables with the emotional and behavioral problems of children aged 5 to 11 years. 50 mothers whose children received psychological treatment in Public Health Services were interviewed. The instruments used were: FACES IV, Family Identification Interview, SDQ, Co-parenting Relationship Scale, Parent Perception Inventory (PPI) and Floreal Scale. Results showed that enmeshed family functioning was correlated with hyperactivity symptoms, relationship problems, and conduct problems of the child. Good mother-child relationship was negatively associated with symptoms of hyperactivity and emotional difficulties. Negative educational practices were positively correlated with behavioral problems, symptoms of hyperactivity, emotional and behavioral problems. Entangled family functioning had greater repercussion on symptoms of behavior problems and issues in relating with peers. Results suggest that different types of child's emotional and behavioral problems are influenced and influence family dynamics differently. Findings show that family functioning is associated with the child's mental health.



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