How to Cite
Navarro-Mantas, L., & Velásquez, M. J. (2016). Tools for gender-based violence prevention : implications of keeping records of everyday situations of gender inequality. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 19(2), 139–148.

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Violence against women and feminicides are some of the most severe problems in El Salvador. During the last few years, some legislative changes as well as changes in matters of public policies have taken place; however, increasing sensitivity and awareness on gender inequality in society have not matched the structural changes. Given this context, the design and validation of violence prevention and training programs is mandatory, as well as the implementation of useful tools for the internalization of these changes. The main objective of this work is to propose a tool for keeping records of everyday situations of gender inequality. This instrument has already been used in a gender-based violence prevention program whose evaluation was done through a quasi-experimental design (De Lemus, Navarro, Megías, Velásquez & Ryan, 2014) and sought to achieve one of its goals: to increase awareness on gender inequalities in everyday situations. Qualitative results obtained from this methodology based on other studies (Becker & Swim, 2011) are discussed with the aim of reducing sexist beliefs and gender discrimination.



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