How to Cite
Mejía-Castillo, A. de J., López-Suárez, A. D., Estrada Rodríguez, C., & Lagunes-Córdoba, R. (2016). Perceived restorativeness in scholar spaces of high schools in Xalapa city, México. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 19(2), 199–209.

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The present study was carried out with high school students from Xalapa, Mexico. Its target was to identify and compare the perceived restorativeness in their school environments according to the attention restoration theory. This work is based on a non-probabilistic sample of 706 students from seven high schools. All data were compiled by a sociodemographic survey and the Scale of the Restorative Potential of School Spaces (EPREE is the Spanish acronym). The results proved that green areas were the rest spaces with major restorative qualities and that the student’s favorite rest places possessed more restorative qualities than other places. Male students, older students and those whose mother (head of the family) was less educated reported a more positive perception of the school non classroom spaces. The bigger schools with green areas obtained a higher evaluation for their dimensions of fascination, being away and extent. The results confirmed the main propositions of the attention restoration theory in high school settings.



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