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Cárdenas Castro, M., Barrientos Delgado, J., & Ricci Alvarado, E. (2015). Factor structure of the subjective social support scale : validation with a sample of university students in Chile. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 18(1), 95–101.

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The purpose of this paper is to adapt and validate the Subjective Social Support Scale (Vaux et al, 1986) and to describe its factor structure. The scale consists of 10 items distributed in two dimensions measured in the original instrument: family support and support from friends. The psychometric properties and dimensionality of the scale are examined in a sample of Chilean college students (N = 681). Results show that the scale is a reliable instrument (α = .86) and valid for measuring subjective social support. Its two dimensions show a moderate and significant correlation (r = .41; p < .001). The factor loadings of the items in the confirmatory factor analysis varied between .40 and .93, showing good fit indices for the correlated first order two factor model (CFI = .97, TLI = .93, RFI = .97, IFI = .97, NFI = .96 and RSMEA = .08).



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