How to Cite
Hernández Hernández, A. G., Montiel Ramos, T., & Martínez Borrayo, J. G. (2014). Identification by parents and teachers of symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder . Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 17(2), 33–41.

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In order to contribute to the epidemiological research on Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity –ADHD- similarities and differences in the questionnaires completed by parents and teachers were analyzed to identify ADHD symptoms in children attending psychological counseling at the Civil Hospital Fray Antonio Alcalde in Guadalajara, Mexico. Parents and teachers of 168 children (46 girls, 122 boys, mean age 8.2 years) completed, respectively, an 18 items questionnaire, structured from the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in DSM-IV. As a result, the statistical analysis showed moderate agreement between parents and teachers, noting significant differences (p <0.05) in 6 out of the 18 questions. Consistent agreements relate mostly to symptoms of inattention, while observed differences are related to behaviors associated with hyperactivity and impulsivity, where parents gave higher scores. It was also noted that when analyzing separately the results for boys and girls, no significant differences were found in most of the scores given to girls, while discrepancies are mainly observed in the scores given to boys, both of the first and last school grades, with higher scores assigned by parents. It is concluded that parents and teachers give different meaning to the behavior of children, depending on their age and gender, primarily for their attentional control ability and motor activity, both at home and at school.



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