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Spring, Úrsula O. (2013). Dual vulnerability among female household heads. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(2), 19–30.

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This article investigates the impact of women’s double vulnerability, the social and environmental vulnerability that makes them household heads, and the processes that enable them to overcome vulnerability and empower themselves at the local level. An empirical study conducted in the Yautepec river basin in the state of Morelos in Mexico explores the impacts of climate change and socio-environmental migration on this rural population. The study combined quantitative and qualitative methods. In the context of the concept of dual vulnerability, environmental and social, the research analysed the relationship between environmental degradation and adverse social conditions, and an Index of Social Vulnerability was developed. The research results showed that when families are faced with a survival dilemma, men migrate, leaving women overburdened with a workload which leads to illness and malaise. At the same time, having assumed the role of household head with all its productive, caring and educational activities, women become empowered. They become involved in local public activities and are able to break up existing corrupt male chiefdoms. In conclusion, the study found that the feminization of agriculture and local public services had allowed women to recover eroded land thanks to organic farming, and to improve public services in their communities



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