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Rodríguez Blanco, A. E. (2013). Resilient women : from victimhood to autonomy, case study in the self-help groups codependent anonymous. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(2), 71–79.

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This work focuses on highlighting the resilience developed by the women interviewed about the violence they were subjected and on observing the new life conditions that they wanted to develop grounded in their reality. This analysis belongs to the field of social sciences and psychology since it describes resilience, a phenomenon addressed by both disciplines. The hypothesis proposes that through the active belonging to the self-help groups Codependent Anonymous, women who have experienced violence can distance themselves from the problem and develop a sense of responsibility for their own lives. From a gender point of view, this research finds its justification in the category of gender oppression, formulated by Marcela Lagarde on her work entitled “Women captivities.” In the field of personality theory, the explanation of interaction dynamics in codependent relationships is sustained through Transactional Analysis, based on Gloria Noriega Gayol´s research on codependence and its relation with transgenerational roles. In order to give a sociological explanation of codependence as a phenomenon, Pierre Bourdieu´s theory of fields has been applied and codependence has been defined as a habitus. This work shows the way some women participating in Codependent Anonymous self-help groups, were able to achieve a higher level of consciousness through the training offered by these groups and were able to choose strategies that enabled them to face their life situation more centred in themselves while taking responsibility for their lifestyle choice.



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