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Botero Soto, P. A., & Londoño Pérez, C. (2013). Psychosocial predictors of quality of life in people experiencing physical disability. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(2), 125–137.

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This descriptive correlational study aimed to assess the factors that determine the quality of life related to health in 78 people with physical disabilities who lived in Bogotá and were part of a labor inclusion project run by a NGO. Quality of life related to health was assessed with the SF36 Health Questionnaire and a home visit, as well as the conditions associated with disability and some psychological factors which were measured with the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, Body Image Test, Coping Styles Inventory, Dispositional Optimism Test, Beck Depression Inventory and Zung Anxiety Scale. A structural equation model was used in order to determine the predictive power of the quality of life variables. The obtained model predicted 39% of the variance, including the variables’ relative weight order, and provided variables as disease condition, depression, coping style focused on fantasy, transcendence, pessimism, anxiety and self-efficacy. Findings and limitations of the study are discussed.



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