How to Cite
Luna, E. G., Zambrano, C. A., & Hidalgo, F. (2013). Effects of changes in the level of differentiation of authority on the behavior of rule violation. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(2), 139–146.

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The aim of this paper was to analyze the distinctive effects of variations in the level of differentiation of an authority that administers sanctions, on the behavior of transgressing a norm explicitly presented. This study used an experimental research design with multiple comparison groups and post measurements. The frequency of transgression in each of the four experimental conditions was recorded: RGe1: without authority, RGe2: partial explicit authority, RGe3: instructions of non-explicit authority, and finally RGe4: instructions of non-explicit authority and observation of a sanction case. Results show differences in the norm transgressions that occurred in the different experimental conditions. More transgressions were found in the condition without authority, followed by partial explicit authority, then in third place, the condition instructions of non-explicit authority and finally the condition of non-explicit instructions and observation of a sanction case, in which transgressions did not occur. In applying nonparametric Kruskal- Wallis test, these differences showed statistical significance (p < 0.001).



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