How to Cite
Caracuel Tubío, J. C., & De La Serna Tuya, J. M. (2002). La conciencia de la contingencia en el condicionamiento clásico : un análisis a través del condicionamiento evaluativo y del condicionamiento semántico. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (8), 55–74. Retrieved from

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This piece of work reflects the theoretical, historical and methodological approaches regarding these subjects of study relevant in Psychology. These are: Evaluative Conditioning, Semantic Conditioning and Contingency Awareness. The most controversial of the above-mentioned topics has been the analysisi of the different meanings of the term Conscience, because other disciplines -other than Psychology- give different conceptual limitations. However, our objective has been, above all, to explicit its psychological meaning. The study of the historical evolution has focused on the indexes wich could be relevant: number of articles published in lenguages other than spanish, number of thesis written and number of articles published in spanish (indicator regarding the impact in our culture). We intend to use this information to quantify the incidence of each of this topics in the corpus of Psychology. Furthermore, we carry out a methodological approach regarding how those areas has been studied an how their study can be linked and improved, as to guide new experiments.



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