How to Cite
Cruz, J. E., & Pérez Acosta, A. M. (2002). Técnicas experimentales aplicadas al condicionamiento clásico de preferencias en el comportamiento del consumidor. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (8), 75–87. Retrieved from

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Classical conditioning (CC) is one of the most emblematic developments of experimental psychology and psychological science. CC has implied to its area of knowledge: a matter of research, a set of concepts, a methodology, and, finally, a series of technological and instrumental developments. Like investigation strategy, CC has been used in the study of a great diversity of processes like perception, learning, memory, and thought. In the same way, CC is a procedure that has been extended to an important number of application fields where it looks for to take part on concrete behavior changes. More specifically, in the field of consumer behavior, CC are one of the most influential paradigms because its great utility in the explanation on how preferences on goods and services are acquired and modified. This article pretends introduce to the experimental procedures in CC and CC of preferences, in order to indicate their concepts, variables, special phenomena, and research opportunities.



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