How to Cite
León Sanabria, G. (2007). Consistency between verbal report and psychophysiological effects registered in the treatment of a specific phobia using systematic desensitization. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 10(2), 95–105. Retrieved from

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In the present research a quasi- experimental AB single case research design was used to assess the consistency of a verbal report based on Subjective Units of Discomfort (SUDS) and the psycho-physiological measures of pulse and galvanic skin response (GSR) when applying the systematic desensitization technique and using only its imaginary component in the treatment of a specific phobia to birds. The results found didn’t show a consistency between the participant’s verbal report, in which both cero SUDS were reported for 10 ansiogenic scenes and a decrease in the physiological arousal, and the measurements obtained by the equipment that registered pulse and GSR. In contrast, the pulse showed an increasing tendency and the GSR registered a tendency to maintain the same levels.



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