How to Cite
Rocha Sánchez, T. E., & Cruz del Castillo, C. (2013). Structural and subjective barriers in the role transition of mexican women and their emotional distress. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(1), 123–135. Retrieved from

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Over the past three decades, the incorporation of women into the economic, professional and public life has grown in Mexico, giving rise to questioning the roles traditionally assigned to this group. It is evident that in this process of transformation, the existence of barriers both structural and subjective can permeate the experience of women and become factors that cause emotional discomfort and hinder the process of empowerment. Returning to the proposal of several studies on the topic, semistructured interviews were carried out with women residents in the city of Mexico in order to find out what kind of structural and subjective barriers become apparent when there is a transgression of gender roles and stereotypes and how these barriers may generate or not emotional discomfort in the participants.



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