How to Cite
Rodríguez, M. C., Vaca, P., Hewitt, N., & Martínez, E. S. (2009). Characterization of different forms of interacction among actors of an educational community. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(2), 47–58. Retrieved from

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The objective of this research was to understand the interactions between different actors of an educational community using a multi-method approach. The participants were twenty five teachers and one hundred children whose ages were between nine and twelve. Information was collected by means of the Behavioural Observation Record, the Bullying Report Checklist by Hirchstein, Edstom, Frey, Sneill, & Mackenzie (2007) and Discussion Groups. Frequency analysis were carried out in order to identify the prevalence of physical and psychological school bullying among peers inside and outside the classroom as well as the teachers’ reactions when facing this kind of situation. The information obtained through the Discussion Groups was analysed through Strauss & Corbin’s (2002) approach. That analysis led to understanding the underlying meaning of practices where the use of power and authority to intimidate and control others are evidenced. The participants’ perception of impotence doesn’t allow them to assume themselves as active subjects when coping with this reality.



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