How to Cite
Mandujano Jaquez, M. F., Domínguez Guedea, M. T., & Gaxiola Romero, J. C. (2020). Psychometric properties of a resilience scale in family caregivers of older adults. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(2), 63–85.

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Caring for an elder relative has been studied not only as a stress generating circumstance and a loss of well-being for the caregiver but also, from the perspective of positive psychology, as the study of caregivers’ dispositions to respond to difficulties experienced in a resilient manner. The aim of this study was to test the construct validity of a resilience inventory employing exploratory and confirmatory procedures. To that end, data were collected from two independent samples of family caregivers of older adults in the city of Hermosillo, Mexico: 125 caregivers aged 19 to 73 years (Mage = 47.8, SD = 12) to perform exploratory factor analyses and 160 caregivers aged 19 to 82 years (Mage = 48.7, SD = 13) to conduct confirmatory factor analyses. The analyses revealed two clear and statistically robust dimensions in the RESI with 12 items:
instrumental resilience and emotional resilience. This study shows that RESI is a valid instrument to assess resilience in a Mexican population of family caregivers of older adults.



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