How to Cite
Orozco Vargas, A. E., Mercado Monjardín, M. del R., García López, G. I., Venebra Muñoz, A., & Aguilera Reyes, U. (2021). Beliefs about violence and its effects on the prevalence of dating violence. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(1), 154–166.

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Dating violence is a multifactorial phenomenon that requires in-depth studies regarding the effects that cultural beliefs have on the behavior of both the aggressor and the victim. With this in mind, the objective of this research was to determine the relationship between beliefs about violence and the prevalence of dating violence. To this end, a sample of 420 students from two Mexican public universities answered the Inventory of Beliefs about Wife Violence, the Inventory of Conflicts in Dating Relationships, and a sociodemographic information questionnaire. The data collected were examined through a canonical correlation analysis, and the results showed that the overall model was statistically significant (Wilks λ = .654, F (20, 677.54) = 4.626, p < .05); that the effect size of the overall model was .346, indicating that it explained 34. 6 % of the variance shared by the two sets of variables; and that, specifically in the first function, the coefficient of greatest magnitude was that of the variable of justification of the violence (r2 s = 76.2; h2 = 90.0), followed by that of the support that can be given to the victim (r2 s = 57.1; h2 = 94.5).



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