How to Cite
Ramos, R., Yávar, V., Del Río, A., Schettino, J., Bresciani, V., Gómez, D., Álvarez, C., & Farkas, C. (2020). Mode of Delivery and Maternal Sensitivity: Effects on the Socioemotional Development of Children at One Year of Age. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(2), 241–266.

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Early childhood is a period of high relevance in children’s socioemotional development, establishing the basis for future development. Acquisitions during the first year of life are significant predictors of future social and emotional skills. During this period, maternal sensitivity is also essential, and there is evidence regarding its effects on the socioemotional development of the child. Considering the relevance of this competence, together with the global and national increase in cesarean rates and the possible risks associated with the type of delivery experienced, the influence of the type of delivery and the maternal sensitivity in child’s socioemotional development at one year of age was analyzed. For this, an intentional non-probabilistic
sample of 91 mothers with their respective children of different socioeconomic levels, who attended public or private nurseries in the city of Santiago, Chile, was studied. The instruments used were the Adult Sensitivity Scale (ESA) and the Functional Emotional Assessment Scale (FEAS). The results showed no differences in the children’s socioemotional development according to the type of delivery. However, it was possible to observe an association between a higher maternal sensitivity and a more significant socioemotional development on children at one year of age. The implications of promoting maternal sensitivity are discussed to support optimal socioemotional development in infants.



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