How to Cite
Estanislau, A. M., & Fonsêca, P. N. da. (2021). Psychometric adaptation of the Richmond Compulsive Buying Scale to the Northeast region of Brazil. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 111–119.
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The objective of this study was to gather evidence of the psychometric properties of the Richmond Compulsive Buying Scale (RCBS) in university students in the Northeast region of Brazil. For this purpose, two studies were conducted. The first study involved 300 university students from the Brazilian Northeast. They were predominantly female (71%), from private universities (67%) and with an average age of 23,5 years old (SD= 6,7). The results indicated a sustainable empirical structure (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin [KMO] test = 0,82), with psychometric indicators considered adequate for measuring compulsive buying. The results also indicated an unifactorial structure, consisting of six items, which explained 51,85% of the variance, and Cronbach’s Alpha of 0,86. The second study aimed at testing the factorial structure found in the first study. A total of 279 university students participated, mostly from public universities (54,1%), male (51,3%) and with an average age of 23,1 years old (EP= 4,74). Through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, good fit indicators were verified: X²/gl = 2,90; GFI = 0,98; CFI = 0,98; TLI=0,98; RMSEA = 0,08 (IC 90%=04-0,10). It is concluded that the RCBS presented adequate psychometric parameters and is a useful measure for future studies about compulsive buying.



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