How to Cite
Freiberg Hoffmann, A., Abal, F. ., & Fernández Liporace, M. . (2020). Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire: New psychometric evidences in Argentinean population . Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(2), 328–348.

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The study is aimed at analyzing psychometric features of the local version of the Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire. First, the inner structure of the scale is examined by means of a confirmatory factor analysis and an analysis of factorial invariance, splitting the sample by faculty. Second, internal consistency coefficients of the dimensions are analyzed and compared to previous results. Third, external convergent validity evidences are considered, regarding scores obtained from a learning approach scale which was used as an external criterion. Findings show an adequate model fit, even employing different estimation methods. Furthermore, the factorial invariance analysis verifies the metrical equivalence of the model. The internal consistency study finds acceptable values. The dimensions’ stability reliability indices do not verify significant differences between test and retest. Finally, the convergent validity evidences analyses show positive associations between learning styles and the Deep learning approach on the one hand, and negative associations between the Surface approach and learning styles on the other, as reported in previous studies. Results are discussed on the grounds of the theoretical and empirical background



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