How to Cite
García Batista, Z. E. ., Guerra Peña, K. ., Cano Vindel, A. ., Herrera Martínez, S. X. ., Flores Kanter , P. E. ., & Adrián Medrano, L. . (2020). Affective comorbidity in patients with hypertension : a case-control study on adults in the Dominican Republic. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(1), 193–215.

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Research on the relationship between hypertension and variables linked to negative affectivity has given rise to divergent findings and differing interpretations. The main objective of this paper was therefore to shed light on the issue by analyzing measures of depression, anxiety and anger in adults suffering from hypertension (HTN). Based on a case-control design, a group of individuals suffering from HTN (n=50) was compared with a control group of the same number of cases, age and sex. In general, the HTN Group showed higher levels of depression in its somatic dimension and of trait anger in its temperament dimension. Individuals with HTN presented symptoms of irritability and loss of energy (depressive-somatic symptoms) and propensity to anger easily (temperament anger symptoms). It has been demonstrated in preceding researches that addressing these comorbid psychological factors is of importance in increase adherence to medical treatment in patients who have been diagnosed with hypertension or similar pathologies.



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