How to Cite
Aponte H., M., Torres P., P., & Quijano M., M. C. (2008). Executive function and intellectual quotient in schizophrenic patients. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(1), 127–134. Retrieved from

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Schizophrenia, considered from the beginning as a clinical syndrome that affects different processes such as thinking, emotions, movements, and behaviour, as well as cognitive aspects such as attention, memory, language and especially the executive functions, is an entity that has arisen the interest of many health professionals. The objective of the present study was to assess the above mentioned functions in patients who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and later verify if there was a relation with their intellectual quotient. The sample for this research was composed of 30 patients with no evidence of previous mental retardation, who had studied for at least three years and who were receiving the suitable pharmacological treatment. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was administered to assess the abilities involved in the executive function, and the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), to determine the verbal, manipulative and global intellectual quotient (IQ). The research results showed that the patients presented a global deterioration in each one of the abilities involved in the executive function and were located within the rank of mental deficiency in the intelligence scale, thus confirming that although patients showed deterioration of the executive functions and a low level of intellectual quotient, there is no correlation between these two variables.



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