How to Cite
Bravo R., F., Parra, M. F. ., & Silva, L. M. . (2021). Perceived health and quality of life factors at the beginning of university education in Colombia. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 59–68.

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The aim of this study was to identify factors of perceived health and quality of life in first semester students of a private university in Colombia. For this purpose, a convenience sample of 636 students (M= 18 years, SD.=1.38) participated in this first phase of the longitudinal study called VIDA2020. An observational cross-sectional research design framed within a cohort study was used. From the assessment protocol of the project, this report includes a questionnaire with sociodemographic data and medical history, the DASS-21 depression and stress subscales, one item of the SF36V-2, and the WHOQOL-BREF. Results showed that most students (91%) rated their overall health as good or excellent, but this rating was significantly lower in those reporting a history of illness in their medical background (80.5%) and symptoms of depression (86.1%) and stress (83.1%). Women, migrants and those reporting a history of illness scored lower on physical, psychological and environmental dimensions of quality of life. Additionally, stress and depression predict lower physical and psychological quality of life scores, with stronger correlations compared to sociodemographic and medical variables. These findings allow the identification and prioritization of special health needs of new students.



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