How to Cite
Yáber, G., & Ordóñez, L. (2008). Behavioral systems management and diagnosis of organizational change in political parties. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(1), 145–153. Retrieved from

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The organizational functioning of an “exemplary” political party was described using “The Total Performance System”, an organizational diagnostic tool of the Behavioral Systems Management theoretical approach. In addition, ten leaders of political parties were interviewed with regard to changes needed for the development, transformation and modernization of political parties in Venezuela. The analysis was carried out using the Behavioral System Management Model (BSM). The study was transversal and descriptive, with qualitative and quantitative characteristics. It was significant that none of the leaders interviewed regarded clients of political parties (militants, sympathizers or general citizens) as an element to take into account for the change process. Only one of them mentioned the need to communicate or receive feedback from party members, sympathizers or citizens at large. These results suggest the need for Venezuelan political parties to review and change their strategic planning and especially the communication process at the intra and extra-organizational level. Arguments are provided to support the relevance of both the total performance system diagram and the behavioral systems management approach for explaining and understanding the functioning of political parties as organizations.



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