How to Cite
Landa Durán, P., & Peñalosa Castro, E. (2009). Teaching behavioral clinical psychology in presence vs on line : the importance of instructional design. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(1), 109–123. Retrieved from

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Since the origins of psychotherapy, interest has emerged in identifying the best training strategies for professional therapists. Nowadays, in the Knowledge Era, with the availability of new interactive Information and Communication Technologies, new conditions and tools to foster professional knowledge and skills in any domain, included clinical psychology are applied. In addition,, Information Technologies allow assessing effectiveness of psychotherapists’ performance in objective ways. The present study weighs the influence of instructional design as a relevant factor in the learning process of 121 students enrolled in a clinical psychology undergraduate course, who participated in a quasi experimental factorial study under four conditions. The group that combined a sound instructional design with an online delivery modality of the course obtained the best learning results.



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