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Collantes Tique, N. ., Pineda Parra, J. A. ., Ortiz Otálora, C. D. ., Ramírez Castañeda, S. ., Jiménez Pachón, C. ., Quintero Ovalle, C. ., Riveros Munévar, F., & Uribe Moreno, M. E. (2021). Validation of the psychometric structure of the Grit-O and Grit-S scales in the Colombian context, and its relation with academic success. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 95–110.

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One of the constructs that have been studied in recent years as predictors of academic performance is the grit factor. In the present research, two studies were conducted with the aim of adapting and validating the Grit-O scale to a Colombian context, as well as determining the Grit-S scale's criterion validity by means of academic performance in university students. In the first study (n=500), an exploratory factor analysis was performed using an Unweighted Least Squares Extraction Method and a confirmatory factor analysis through a maximum likelihood extraction method. The analysis yielded adequate validity and reliability indexes for the two scales (Grit-O and Grit-S) -Grit- S being the one with the best fit indexes-, and the distribution of items per scale factor coincided with the original validation. However, the two factors (perseverance of effort and consistency of interest) were not grouped under the grit construct. In the second study (n=89), the relationship between the score obtained on the Grit-S scale and different academic performance indicators (grade point average, number of failed subjects, among others) was observed. For this purpose, a correlation and multiple linear regression analysis was performed. Findings show moderate
correlations between the Grit-S scale total score and its two components, with the measures of academic performance. In the regression analysis, the total score was found to be a better predictor of academic performance (0.016 **) than the score of each of the scale components separately. Finally, the discussion compares the findings with validations carried out in other countries and gives some recommendations regarding the use of the grit scale.



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