How to Cite
Gómez González, M. L. (2010). A descriptive study on the psychological care practices of patients with psychosis treated at mental health institutions in Bogota. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 13(1), 43–53. Retrieved from

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The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of psychological care practices of patients with psychosis. In order to achieve this objective, a descriptive approach within the qualitative tradition was used. The patients’ assessment, intervention and follow up were taken as categories of analysis and from this categorization an interview was designed and administered to 12 psychologists who work in mental health institutions in Bogota. Results show that assessment processes are the core work of psychology professionals at the institution and do not depend on a specific theoretical approach, which does not occur with intervention processes, where the epistemological stance and the psychologist’s theoretical approach, as well as the patient’s specifi c problem are taken into account. The follow-up process is occasionally carried out and has no clearly established protocols and processes. It was found that Law 100 and the policies of the institutions determine the length of stay and the type of services that are included in the processes of attention to patients.



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