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Sandoval-Díaz, J., Ruiz Rivera , N. ., & Cuadra-Martinez, D. (2021). Experience and coping in the face of alluvial risk: A multiple mediation model. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 130–143.

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The increase of hydro-meteorological risks, caused by climate change, has brought with it the need to strengthen adaptive coping capacities. In this context, the aim of the present study was to clarify the relationship between direct experience and active coping capacities, considering three possible mediators: subjective severity, risk perception and personal involvement. For this purpose, a convenience sample (n = 490) was obtained from a Chilean city affected by alluvium. Although all variables directly correlated with active capabilities (between r = .13 and r = .49), the main relationship was only mediated by i) fear for risk and ii) identification and possibility of action. Therefore, it is concluded that previous direct experience, fear and perceived self-efficacy, would drive active precautionary behaviors in the face of alluvial risk.



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