How to Cite
Vizioli, N. A., & Pagan, A. E. . (2021). Beck Anxiety Inventory: structural validity and reliability through different estimation methods in Argentine population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 25(1), 28–41.
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Validity and reliability as psychometric properties consist of complex processes that must be constantly reviewed to ensure the correct use of a measurement instrument. Therefore, the present study investigated the structural validity, factorial validity, and reliability of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in its Argentine adaptation, using different methods in a sample of 746 participants (Mean = 33.49, SD = 10.55) belonging to the city of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs, in Argentina. Specifically, confirmatory factor analyses were performed to test the one-, two- and four-dimensional models, using unweighted least squares, robust maximum likelihood, diagonal weighted least squares, and robust generalized least squares estimation methods. In addition, test-retest reliability was investigated using alpha, omega, algebraic and factorial GLB, H, beta, and theta. The results indicate that the unidimensional model showed better goodness-of-fit indices regardless of the estimation method; and that all the reliability indices obtained were acceptable. This research provides strong evidence on the structural validity and reliability of the BAI.



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