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The present study seeks to obtain validity and reliability evidence of the Parental Involvement Scale: Care and socialization activities in a sample of Peruvian parents of preschool children. For this purpose, the instrument was translated and linguistically harmonized from its English version into Spanish and then applied to a group of 420 fathers and 420 mothers of children from five cities. Evidence of the internal structure was evaluated through a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, using the maximum likelihood method to examine the structure of the original 26 items. Items with low factor loadings were progressively eliminated until a model with adequate fit indicators was found [χ2 (531) = 822.82; p<0,001; χ2 / gl = 1.550; GFI = .90; CFI = .95; TLI = .94; RMSEA = .036, IC del 90% (.031 – .041), p close = 1.000, SRMR = .05]. The result was a18-items scale distributed in the five original dimensions, each with Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency reliability between .66 and .78 and Omega coefficients between .70 and .75. Inter-rater reliability was between .67 and .88. The scope and limitations of the study are discussed considering the relevance of having instruments to measure paternal involvement relative to maternal involvement , that consider the perspectives of fathers and mothers in the Peruvian context.
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