How to Cite
Molina Coloma, V. A., & Reyes Sosa, H. (2023). Traumatic Experiences and Psychopathological symptoms in Prison Population and General Population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 26(2), 65–75.
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Traumatic events are stressful episodes that exceed an individual’s coping resources and have been related to physical and mental health problems, particularly posttraumatic stress disorder. This study aims to compare the prison population and the general population in terms of trauma and psychopathological symptoms derived from exposure to traumatic events in the context of Ecuador. It is a descriptive-comparative and cross-sectional study. The study sample consisted of 99 incarcerated individuals and 84 persons from the general population of Ambato-Ecuador. The results indicate that persons from the prison population have experienced multiple traumas and re-victimization to a greater extent and present a higher percentage of PTSD and psychopathological symptoms than the general population. In that sense, it is a population that requires more significant intervention to reduce symptoms and prevent violent behavior.



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