How to Cite
Gómez González, M. L. (2004). Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de un programa para la prevención secundaria del maltrato, dirigido a padres de familia, desde una perspectiva participativa. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (12), 87–101. Retrieved from

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The present investigation had ace objective to identify and to analyze the forms of the family parents ‘relationship, with its children, the practices of upbringing that uses. It worked in to Educational Center of Bogotá, and starting from the results it was designed and it developed together with the parents of the focal group to she/he notices that offers to the parents alternative strategies to you educate yourself its children, without appealing to forms of inadequate treatment The project you frames in to proposal of Participatory Action Research (Gauzes, 1994), so that the educational community was car manager in the identification and solution of the own necessities in connection with the education of the children. The proposal was developed in three phases which began with the approach to the community. In the second stage the instruments was elaborated and applied. It was carried out the analysis of having been so much quantitative as qualitative and the feedback process was made to the community leaving outlined the action strategy. In the third phase, in accordance with the obtained results the family parents designed as action strategy a titled note “it Programs for the good treatment”, which include the topics that were identified important to be employees as new alternatives to the inadequate treatments to educate their children.



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