How to Cite
Gómez Rada, C. A. (2004). Diseño, construcción y validación de un instrumento que evalúa clima organizacional en empresas colombianas, desde la teoría de respuesta al ítem. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (11), 97–113. Retrieved from

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The objective of this research was to design, build up and validate an instrument to measure organizational climate, in Colombian enterprises: IPAO. The instrument was done following the model developed by Pritchard and Karasick in the sixties. It has 40 items and 6 dimensions: organizational clarity, rewards and incentives system, decision making, autonomy, leadership, social interaction and organizational overture. It was used a sample of 250 people from 8 public and private organizations in Bogota. Data was analysed from the item response theory (IRT), Rasch one criteria parameter. Results show adjustment level around average and the 1.01 extremes and also an accountability index of 0.94. The analysis of principal components explains how climate is configured. Among implications of the study it is found test goodness and the need to extend the study using factorial analysis techniques and its validation using an empirical criteria.



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