How to Cite
Santiago Torner, C. (2023). Selfish Ethical Climate and Teleworking in the Colombian Electricity Sector. The Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 26(2), 169–182.
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The Colombian electricity sector promotes organizational policies based on the inclusion and well-being of society in general, which also intend to transfer to teleworking through an ethical leadership style. However, the selfishness that is characterized by maximizing self-interest as the basis of moral reasoning is an underlying factor that can deteriorate any initiative that seeks a fair and comprehensive institutional balance through an ethical climate where decisions neglect collective needs. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the relationship between a selfish climate and teleworking through the moderating role of ethical leadership. The study applies a quantitative, cross-sectional, explanatory correlational design. The sample is 448 employees who are evaluated with an online survey. The selfish ethical climate (X) and ethical leadership (W) are significantly associated with telecommuting (Y). However, when ethical leadership regulates the relationship between the independent and dependent variables (θX → Y/W) it becomes visible that the greater the perception of a weaker ethical leadership, the effect of the selfish climate on telework becomes until it disappears. The Colombian electricity sector, due to its focus on social responsibility and on eradicating dishonest conduct through ethical leadership, is not compatible with a selfish climate. In fact, promoting only individual interests in virtual work environments would nullify all the ethical effort proposed by the sector in question in the last seven years. Since its purpose has been to promote social and inclusive initiatives.



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