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Bohórquez Alonso, M. L., & Molina Borja, M. (2003). El método etológico observacional en el medio natural : aplicación al análisis de la actividad y pautas de comportamiento en lagartos de Tenerife (Islas Canarias). Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (10), 33–44. Retrieved from

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We present preliminary results on the application of the observational ethological method to the study of activity of lizards from Tenerife in two habitats of the island with different ecological characteristics: Malpaís de Güimar (SE of the island) and the periphery of Teide National Park (centre of the island), and in two daily times. We counted the number of animals of each sex and category while walking in transects with hazardously chosen directions. The behaviour pattern performed by each observed animal was also scored. The results show that there were always more active males than females or juveniles in both zones. The number of total active animals per unit area and time was inversely related to the environmental temperature in Teide National Park. In Malpaís de Güimar the higher number of animals was recorded in intermediate temperatures between maximum and minimum ones. The number of observed animals was greater at midday than in the morning in Malpaís de Güimar, but the contrary occurred at Teide N.P. The results support the finding in other species of a higher activity level in males and also suggest a differential activity pattern in relation to environmental temperature in both zones studied.



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