How to Cite
Granillo Velasco, A. D., Zepeda Goncen, G. D., & Sánchez Aragón, R. (2024). Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life, Positive and Negative Experience, and Prosperity Scales in a Mexican population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 27(2), 35–56.
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Subjective well-being involves the self-assessment of a person’s experience of various life conditions in relation
to their optimal functioning. It is a multidimensional concept with three attributed components: cognitive-evaluative, affective or hedonic, and eudaimonic. Subjective well-being has been linked to variables such as health,
as its presence can reduce mortality rates and risk behaviors. Various measures have been developed to evaluate
this concept, with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Scale of Positive and Negative Experiences (SPANE),
and the Scale of Prosperity being among the most prominent. However, the analysis of their psychometric properties has primarily focused on student populations and outside of Mexico. Therefore, the present study aimed
to evaluate the psychometric properties of these three scales in a population from Mexico City and to determine
their association with the health variable as evidence of validity. A total of 388 adults aged 18 to 62 participated
in the study, and the results showed Cronbach’s alpha reliability indices ranging from .84 to .89 across the three
scales, as well as adequate model fit indices (CMIN/DF < 3; GFI and CFI close to 1; and RMSEA < .05). Additionally,
measurement invariance was confirmed across the three scales, and significant correlation indices (< .05) were
found between subjective well-being and health.



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