How to Cite
Natera, G., Orford, J., Copello, A., Mora, J., Tiburcio, M., & Velleman, R. (2003). La cohesión y el conflicto en familias que enfrentan el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas una comparación transcultural México - Gran Bretaña. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (9), 7–16. Retrieved from

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This paper presents a comparison of the results obtaines through the Interpersonal Relations subscale of the Family Environment Scale (Moos & Moos, 1981) in Mexico and England. The main objective is to demonstrate that there are differences between both countries regarding how families perceive cohesion and conflict in the light of the colectivism-individualism construct. The sample studied was integrated by 107 individuals from separate families from Mexico City and 100 individuals from South West England; all of them had lived with an alcohol or drug user. Through exploratory factor analysis two factors were found, one of them related to positive aspects of the family environment (cohesion) and a second factor which denotes conflict. The confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that both factors are inversely related. Other correlations indicate higher risk for alcohol consumption in families with high cohesion and high risk for drug use in families with a large number of members. Later, variance analysis corroborates that relatives of alcohol users perceive higher cohesion than relatives of drug users. Furthermore, it was observed that English relatives report higher scores in some items of the cohesion subscale while Mexican relatives scored higher on 2 items of the conflict subscale. These results might reflect different situations occurring within the family depending on the number or members and the extent of their agreements to cope with substance use.



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