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Ramírez Herrera, C. (2003). La transmisión intergeneracional, la clase del vínculo y los factores intrapersonales como predictores de la co-ocurrencia de comportamientos violentos y adictivos en jóvenes. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (9), 51–69. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this study was to establish the association of some intrapersonal factors as predictors of co-ocurrence of addiction and violence. The factors considered here were as follows: intergenerational transmission, bond type, early externalizing behavior and child physical abuse history. We carried on a correlational study combined with qualitative strategies as well. The sample was 137 juveniles from 13 to 18 years old. Instruments used were: a) Identification demographic format, b) the secure based questionnaire, c) Intergenerational transmission assessment instrument, d) The early externalizing behavior and child abuse history instrument and e) the co-ocurrence instrument for the qualitative analysis the life history method was used. We used a multivariate statistical analysis with multiple regression and variance analysis. Results showed differences between groups, in particular in early externalizing behaviors and child abuse history.



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