How to Cite
Roselli, N. D. (2024). Perception of People in Children Aged 10-12: A Comparison with Other Age Groups. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 27(2), 131–147.
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The perception of people through descriptive identifying categories (such as gender, age, and physical, psychological, and social appearance) is a basic psychological process that allows us to organize reality and regulate social behavior. Developmental psychology is particularly interested in studying the evolution of this process throughout different stages of life. Therefore, this research investigates such perception in children, within the framework of other studies conducted with youth, adults, and the elderly. The study involved 60 children aged 10-12 years, who individually completed four tasks: (a) freely describe the content of four photos of people (a girl, an adult man, a young man, and an elderly woman); (b) divide a set of eight photos of adults and elderly people (men and women, serious and smiling, dressed formally and informally, with and without accessories) into two groups based on a classification criterion; (c) divide a continuous age series of seven photos (from child to elderly) into two and three groups; and (d) estimate the age of five of the seven photos mentioned earlier (young, adult, young adult, elderly, adolescent). The results show that objective categories, such as age, gender, clothing, and physical traits, are the most recurrent, compared to subjective or inferential categories. This can be explained by both evolutionary and social reasons. The results are compared with findings from studies with samples from other age groups.



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