How to Cite
Ramírez Herrera, C. (2000). Coocurrencia de comportamientos violentos y adictivos en jóvenes y adultos en ciudades colombianas. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (4), 63–78. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between violent behavior and the consumption of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol. This phenomena has been called co-ocurrence, and it is consider in this research context as a variable of study to identify and to analyze interactions We carried on a retrospective quantitative and qualitative in­vestigation within sample comparison design. The variables considered are as following: homicide, robbery, assault, addictive and consumption behavior and emotional, cognitive and affective factors. Participants were 320 men for the first analysis and 16 for the second one, between 18 and 35 years in four groups: 1) offenders with consuming or addictive behavior, 2) offender without consuming or addictive behavior, 3) consumers with delin­quency history , 4) consumers without delinquency history. We use the Cognitive bias Questionaire, the Idare and a semistructured interview. Both analysis showed that co- ocurrence is direct and indirect, that can be considered contingent, consecuent and circular and the factors related to are: individual, contextual and cultural components.


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