How to Cite
Arana, F. G., Galarregui, M. S., Miracco, M. C., Partarrieu, A. I., de Rosa, L., Lago, A. E., Traiber, L. I., Nusshold, P. T., Rutsztein, G., & Keegan, E. G. (2014). Perfectionism and academic performance of university students in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 17(1), 71–77.

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The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between perfectionism and academic performance of university graduate students in the City of Buenos Aires. 465 university undergraduates participated in this study: Psychology students (52.2%), Engineering students (26.2%) and Medicine students (21.6%). The resulting scores used to set the different perfectionism profiles (adaptative perfectionists- AP, maladaptive perfectionists- MP, and non perfectionists- NP), are similar to those expected according to current theory and to our previous studies. Regarding the relationship between the different student profiles and their academic performance, it was found that students with an AP profile have a significantly higher average grades than those in the other two groups, and less pending exams. No significant differences were found in average grades between MP and NP. For the remaining variables, no significant differences were found between the different profiles of perfectionism. Implications of these findings for future research in the area are discussed.



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