How to Cite
Zavarize, S. F., & Muglia Wechsler, S. (2016). Assessment of gender differences in coping strategies for low back pain. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 19(1), 35–45.

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Low-back pain is considered a serious public health problem. Gender differences are important factors that influence symptoms and behavioral responses. This research aimed to investigate gender differences in pain behaviors and pain management of chronic low back pain. The sample consisted of 158 participants (66.5% female), aged 30-88 who were diagnosed with Lumbar Osteoarthritis. The instruments used were the Visual Analogue Scale, the Quality of Life Questionnaire and a questionnaire to assess leisure and distraction activities from pain. Results of MANOVA showed that women have significant greater pain perception than men. Higher frequencies of social activities were also observed for women as well as significant correlations between social activities and psychological, social and environmental domains. In conclusion, women presented a greater number of coping strategies for pain than men, which probably tend to have a positive influence in their life quality.



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