How to Cite
de-Besa-Gutiérrez, M. R., Gil-Flores, J., & García-González, A. J. (2019). Psychosocial variables and academic performance related to optimism in spanish first-year university students. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 22(1), 152–163.

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First-year students find difficulties at the beginning of their university studies, facing situations that generate a high level of stress, new academic and social challenges, or unfulfilled expectations. Among the psychosocial variables that intervene in the adaptation and contribute to overcoming the situation is dispositional optimism. The aim of this study has been to analyze which variables contribute to explaining the optimism with which first-year university students start their studies. Through survey procedures we have collected data on academic and psychosocial variables for a sample of 750 students of different degrees from the University of Seville at the time they started the first course in their respective degrees. We have used the calculation of basic descriptive statistics, along with techniques such as factor analysis, to explore the dimensionality of the optimism construct, and binary logistic regression to identify relevant variables in the differentiation between optimistic and pessimistic students. The results show how previous academic performance, perceived social support, self esteem and perceived self-efficacy are associated with the students? optimism. Based on these results, recommendations are derived for the orientation intervention concerning first-year university students to favor their adaptation to the university context.



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