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Fernandes Lopes, R. M., Welter Wendt, G., Rathke, S. M., Alves Senden, D., Ferreira da Silva, R. B., & de Lima Argimon, I. I. (2012). Theoretical and practical reflections on the interpretation of the wechsler adult intelligence scale. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 15(2), 109–118. Recuperado a partir de https://actacolombianapsicologia.ucatolica.edu.co/article/view/271

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The use of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales has entered clinical, psycho-educational and research settings, thus enabling a full assessment of cognitive abilities of children, adolescents and adults. The general intelligence should be considered as a manifestation of personality as a whole. Intellectual skills are measured by psychometric instruments. This research, which focuses on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults (WAIS-III), addresses the key features and uses of the scale for the adult population and explores the importance of information about this instrument and its applications, especially with regard to qualitative clinical interpretation. It consists of a literature review about the more classical authors on the subject. The authors draw on a critical review of key aspects related to psychological and neuropsychological testing, addressing the constructs of crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence and their integration with the study of personality. Finally, the authors discuss the importance of factor indices and their implications for clinical interpretation.

Palabras clave:


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