Cómo citar
Santacruz, M. del P. (1998). Línea de investigación en psicofarmacología de la cocaína y el etanol en ratas y ratones. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (1), 71–103. Recuperado a partir de https://actacolombianapsicologia.ucatolica.edu.co/article/view/633

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I present a brief summary of the research, about two drugs of great abuse in Colom­bia: Cocaine and alcohol, carried out at Universidad Católica de Colombia's labora­tory of experimental psychology. By means of animal model, we have evaluated the effects of different doses of cocaine and alcohol (0.1,1.0,10 y 20,mg/kg) on several parameters of aggressive, emotional, and social behavior in adult female and male rats and mice, as in sons of addicted mothers along gestation time. Moreover we have assessed the effects of acute administration (one injection), chronic administration (ten to twelve consecutive injections), withdrawal syndrome with the same parame­ters, and long term persistence of pharmacological effects. The results of the re­search are presented, as well as the titles of investigations recently started . 

Palabras clave:


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