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Rivadeneira, J., & López, M. A. (2017). Family communication scale : validation in chilean adult population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 20(2), 116–126.

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The earliest socialization in human beings, a process whereby family and society are built, takes place through communication. The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Family Communication Scale using a random sample of 340 Chilean adults. Exploratory factor analysis (principal axis) and confirmatory factor analysis (free asymptotic distribution) adjusted to data without multivariate normal distribution were applied (Doornik-Hansen test: p<.001). A factorial solution of two constructs was found with 2 test=9.466 (p=.305), CFI=.983, TLI=.968, RMSEA=.023 (p=.781), and SRMR=.104, as well as internal consistencies of .895 and .854 in both constructs. The evidence obtained supports the idea that the scale adequately measures the variable of interest through two constructs and six items. The data confirm the good psychometric indicators that support the use of the scale in the area of research and family intervention.



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