How to Cite
García Cortés, J. M., García Méndez, M., & Rivera Aragón, S. (2015). Resilient potential in families with teenagers who consume and do not consume alcohol. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 18(2), 163–172.

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Adolescence is a critical period for initiating and developing addictions. For parents, adversities related to alcohol consumption of their adolescent children and their implications for development are increasingly common. The purpose of this research was to establish if family functioning predicts the resilient potential of parents with teenage children who consume or do not consume alcohol. Participants were 140 volunteer parents with a teenage child who had a risky consumption of alcohol and 187 parents with a teenager who did not consume alcohol. The Resilient Potential Scale (García & García-Méndez, in press) and the Family Functioning Scale (García-Méndez, Rivera, Reyes-Lagunes & Díaz-Loving, 2006) were administered. The results of stepwise regressions indicate that parents’ Resilient Potential is predicted by the factors Positive Family Environment and Command /Problems on the Emotional Expression of the Family Functioning Scale.



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