How to Cite
Urzúa M, A., Boudon Torrealba, S., & Caqueo-Urizar, A. (2017). Mental health and psychological acculturation strategies in peruvian and colombian immigrants in northern Chile. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 20(1), 70–79.

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Using a cross-sectional, non-experimental design, the hypothesis that the mental health state of assessed immigrants differs according to the acculturation strategy used, was tested. To this end, the mean difference in physiological symptoms, social roles and relationships among participants categorized by type of acculturation strategy, i.e. bicultural integration, separation, isolation and assimilation, was evaluated. The sample consisted of 431 Peruvian and Colombian immigrants, residing in the city of Antofagasta, Chile. To evaluate acculturation, the Revised Acculturation Attitudes Scale by Basabe, Zlovina and Paez was used, and for the mental health assessment, the Self-Assessment Questionnaire OQ-45.2 was applied. Findings show that separation was the most commonly used strategy by Colombians, while in the Peruvian population it was assimilation. Similarly, the Colombian population reported a greater presence of symptoms of mental health problems in all dimensions and in the overall scale than the Peruvian population. In the overall sample, the individuals who used assimilation as their acculturation strategy tended to report more symptoms and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The data provide evidence that the acculturation strategies used result in a greater or lesser presence of psychopathological symptoms.



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